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Nichols, William T., Colonel and Nichols, May

Colonel Nichols was a State Representative and Senator from Rutland County, Vermont.  He acquired his rank of colonel serving in the Vermont Volunteers during the Civil War.  In 1868 Colonel Nichols and six other men came to Illinois from Vermont and formed the Maywood Company with the purpose of developing the Village of Maywood

The unincorporated Village of Maywood was founded April 6, 1869.  It is named for May Nichols, the deceased daughter of Colonel William T. Nichols.

Colonel Nichols lived in Maywood until his death in 1882.  The Nichols home stood on the northwest comer of Fifth Avenue and Second Street (now Oak Street), the location of the First Suburban National Bank.  The house was razed after World War One.

The source for this page, including the quotations from Mr. Mennell and Mr. Muir, is taken from is an article by Maureen Kelly in the "Maywood 2000 Community Guide", published by the Maywood Chamber of Commerce, 2000. The photographs are taken from the same publication.

Last Modified:  03/30/2002