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This article was published on March 14, 1929 in the "LaGrange Citizen" newspaper


 Robert Kingery Favors Selection Of One for Entire State Highway

Selecting of one name for Mannheim road, state route No. 46, is recommended by Robert Kingery, secretary of the Chicago Regional plan association, to avoid confusion resulting from the nine names by which the road is known in different villages.

Likewise, Fifth avenue, its name in LaGrange and LaGrange Park, is confusing to many motorists, because of the four or five "Fifth avenues" in this suburban territory.

Mr. Kingery gave this recommendation to the Western Gateways association in a letter received, and he pointed out also that Seventeenth avenue should have the same title throughout its entire length.  Seventeenth is known in Brookfield as Maple avenue.  Twenty-fifth avenue, which is another highway to be improved and opened up by the county, is equally as confusing.  It is known as Burlington avenue in Brookfield; Kemman avenue in LaGrange Park; Eberle avenue in Congress Park and East avenue in LaGrange.  Mr. Kingery's recommendation, if acted upon, would automatically abolish names in favor of one title good for the entire highway.

Note:  Apparently not all these names changes happened

This article was published on March 14, 1929 in the "LaGrange Citizen" newspaper

Last Modified:  01/01/2004