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Directions to LaGrange in 1947 -- 525 North Edgewood, LaGrange

We thought you might enjoy this map from almost sixty years ago -- a time before the expressways.

One side effect of research is the accumulation of minutia.  Our Society Vice President, Shirley Slanker, rediscovered this map draw in January of 1947.  Using Shirley's own words:

"I received this map from a fellow occupational therapy patient at the LaGrange Hospital.  It was in his house when they bought the home.  The home is indicated at the lower right corner where the arrow is.  The house was built by a Czech couple and the husband died shortly after building it.  The daughter was an accomplished pianist.  The map shows the street car line that I use to take with my mother to the Brookfield Zoo before I moved to Westchester in 1948."

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Last Modified:  08/03/2005