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British Old People's Home Will Be Built in Riverside Near Scottish Old People's Home

Samuel Insull has purchased eight acres adjoining the Old People's Home at Riverside, from the village of Riverside for $10,000.  On this land will be built the British Old People's home, an institution for the care of elderly persons who are British by marriage or birth - although the lines will not be strictly drawn as to this and persons in need, who have British "connection's' can find a refuge here.

The Daughters of the British Empire in the United States are behind the enterprise and Mr. Insull is perhaps their most liberal patron.  The twenty-one chapters in and around Chicago are taking care of this building project.  Construction will start in the spring and the home will have twenty-one rooms, one being donated by each chapter.  LaGrange chapter "Balmoral" will take care of one room, the expense being estimated at $1,200.  Part of this money has been raised.  Mrs. G. L. Griswold is chairman of the committee on raising funds for this room as she is President of the Balmoral chapter which has about twenty members.

Others officers (all of LaGrange) are: Vice Presidents, Mrs. Thomas MacMillan and Mrs. John B. Reese; Secretary, Mrs.  Robert Barclay; Treasurer, Mrs. Emil Dramse.

According to Mrs. Griswold, the home will have national scope, as old people from any part of the country who can meet the requirements are eligible.  The organization is a national one.

The estimated cost of the building will be around $60,000.  Mr. Insull has aided the society for some time, giving each year ten per cent of the total money banked by the society.

The local chaper is urging those interested to get in touch with the officers of the chapters as financial aid will be appreciated in going ahead with the project.  About $800 has been raised by Balmoral, but the $1,200 is merely the building cost of a room and other chapters are furnishing their rooms.

Article appeared in the "LaGrange Citizen" newspaper published in December, 1922

Last Updated: 11/17/2003