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Seventh Day Adventist Church and School

In the year 1910 the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination organized a church and purchased property at 22nd Street and Cermak Road to erect a college. For many years the school served as a training place for missionary workers, many of whom have gone out to the ends of the earth. In 1934 the college work was transferred to Emmanuel Missionary College (later Andrews University) at Berrien Springs, Michigan.

A work school was established, the Broadview Academy.  It taught the manufacturing of furniture until it burned down in late February 1940. 

In 1958 the land occupied by the first Broadview Academy was sold and a farm property was bought in LaFox, Illinois, where the Academy was relocated into brand new buildings.

The West Suburban Consolidated Seventh-day Adventist School is a long name for an elementary school which under its present name had its beginning in 1947. It was located as a new building on 24th Avenue and Cermak Road in Broadview, Illinois.  In 1958 the state condemned the property of the school to widen Cermak Road and construct an overpass. This meant that a new school must be constructed.  A lot on the corner of 25th Avenue and Cermak Road was made available to the school by the Broadview Academy and the Illinois Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, covering an entire block.  They broke ground on May 22, 1958 and moved into the school in November, 1959. An open House for the community was advertised for February 15, 1959.

The picture of the school to the left is of the second school building..

Photo from the Broadview Golden Jubilee.

In 1961, grades 9 and 10 were added to our elementary program.  By 1964 the enrollment in these grades is 25.

The second school building with an attached gym is now used by the Broadview Park District.

The church is located just south of the former school on 25th Avenue.

Sources were used in the compilation of this entry include but are not limited to:

Last Modified:  08/07/2003